

They’re going around their elbows to get to their thumbs.
                                                                   Anonymous Prisoner X

“This is what you do,” I told the young inmate who dared me to repeat what I had said regarding his refusal to listen, “when you return to your cell get yourself a Q-tip, dig the wax out of your ears, and make a candle”—then I tapped my temple with my index finger—“next time the power goes out you’ll be able to find your way.”

He scratched his scalp; his blank impassive stare registered nothing. Sarcasm doesn’t work with the mentally ill; but then again, I have a difficult time differentiating between your typical run-of-the-mill convict and those with mental illnesses. I use universal precautions and assume that all inmates have the proverbial oar missing. 


The prison’s bartering system has received an economic boost with the steady influx of what some inmates (as well as staff) refer to as “window-lickers.”  So this inmate—“I’ll give you two honey buns for your regurgitated skittles”—isn’t interested in academic self-improvement; he’s interested in the art of the hustle, he’s interested in getting high on someone else’s medication.

“Are you joking?” he asked.

“No,” I said. “I speak from the heart.”

“I’m not coming to your class anymore.”

“Even when you’re here you never arrive.”

I have absolutely no sympathy for convicts that prey on the mentally-ill; unfortunately, it happens every day. It’s getting harder and harder to distinguish those that are crazy from those that aren’t. Maybe a psychological evaluation is in order.


Beth said...

More so in a prison - but it’s often difficult to distinguish those that are crazy from those that aren’t outside the prison walls, too!

Charles Gramlich said...

in an insane world, the merely crazy man is king.

Andy said...

If they are in prison they're crazy, alright. Maybe, developmentally disabled but outside of what is considered normal. Or like one guy told me,"If he ain't crazy when he goes in, he damn sure as hell crazy when he get out." (Poor grammar intentional)

Erik Donald France said...

Rec'd a report sugesting that 20% or more of community college students have some form of "serious" mental illness, probably a good sampling of the general population.

With the Michigan primary coming up, plenty of opportunity to witness madness outside outside prison, too!

p.s. I dig this post -- nicely done.

Patsy said...

I agree it's difficult to tell those who're mentally ill from those who're simply uptight, having a bad day, feeling down etc. What's normal anyway?

JR's Thumbprints said...

I'm no expert on this subject, but I do know through experiences that if you hire an independent lawyer working above Wild Buffalo Wings it doesn't matter what's being filed; heck, I was certifiably crazy and refused to take my medication - didn't matter whether it was true or not ... not when it comes down to the smash and grab theory ... also ... so what if it messes other folks up in the head ... gotta smash and grab and smash and grab and smash and grab and smash and grab ...

ivan@creativewriting.ca said...

Life in limbo.

...Or is that an oxymoron?

Anonymous said...

Huck's gang always wondered why Becky Thatcher wasn't evaluated
for competency? Since the smash and grap was utilized it might be time to revisit competency and do some smash and grabbin back.
See you at Oxbow. Huck's gang. :)))
P.S. We are not in the office above WIld Buffalo Wings but in office next to the office of Dowe,
Cheetum, and Howe. Don't be late.

Anonymous said...

JR. Once again apologize for the gang running off at the mouth. Blog manners they are short on.
Duewee wil be pissed to see they mispelled his name again. Enjoyed the read and what wonderful photography. Huck

Rick said...

If you'll re-read Frank Kafka's "The Metamorphosis," it will all make sense to you, JR.

Anonymous said...

lovely blog reflecting insight and humanity.