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I'm holding my right arm while being diagnosed. |
The woman with the good posture called me into her office
and said the man with the forked tongue would no longer be attending my class.
She said the man with the forked tongue demanded an increase in his medication
and if refused there’d be a slight possibility of harm to others, that it was
quite possible he’d “catch a new case”. The woman with the good posture saved his
kites (correspondence letters) where he wrote about how he would no longer be
responsible for his actions due to the lower dosage of medication.
I told the woman with the good posture that I never had any
problems with the man with the forked tongue; in fact, he and I had conversed
daily about his childhood and the special education he had received, that I had
learned the Orton-Gillingham reading approach and he, as a child, had learned
how to write and read using this method. “The key concepts,” I explained to her,
“are to form letters and words in a sandbox and sound it out.”
I know nothing regarding the mental health issues of the man
with the forked tongue (he says he burned down a Michigan State Police Post);
but I do know that the tactile approach of manipulating sand must have improved
his ability to communicate on paper. His kites must have conveyed his sense of
urgency regarding his condition, his state of mind, because now he is gone, his
message diluted, scattered to the wind as he sits in segregation, waiting for
his bus ride to another correctional facility.
My son did 16 months at Coldwater, where he was heavily medicated on Thorazine. As you are well aware, the state is saving money by using psych meds that are old school (cheaper) than new meds.
He developed the typical Thorazine side effects--Tardive dyskinesia, zombieness, disinterest, shuffling walk, sleeping 18 hours day, etc.
I don't believe the state is purposely sedating prisoners in an effort to control the population.
that would be inhumane...LOL
When he came out he could barely function, and it took a year for his head to clear.
He is one of the lucky ones. He had strong family support and insurance to find a *real* doctor.
He is off parole, and beating the odds of re incarceration by almost 3 years. The ones who come out uneducated, overly medicated,and no family support are screwed.
Well,it's good expository writing anyway!
This sends a sinking feeling all through me. The horrendous misuse of meds is so harmful. Sometimes needed, but I'm just saddened all over by the way humans treat each other.
Man with forked tongue speak new language while fly kite.
The tardives dyskinesia is usually caused by a rapid withdrawal from dopamine antagonists and can result in permanent facial muscle contractions. A washout after long term use of high doses need to be monitored, i.e., tritated down. A group home is the holy grail for people with those kinds of problems.
Sad testimony of Michigan's Mental Health Policy. Close mental health facilities open up 42 prisons. Doesn't get any more real than that. Well written story JR.
How much smoke did he have to blow up her ass to get that kite flown to her desk?
Anon, Closed metal health facilities and begin closing prisons are the new policies as criminals are being returned to the streets committing murder and mayhem. Sign of the times. Elected officials don't see it. Don't care.
Not affecting their pockets or lives. Enjoyed the read JR. MW
Man with forked tongue speak new language while fly kite.
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