

The assignment was quite simple and even though I was greeted with “You’re the only son-of-a-bitch here” most of my convict-students went about completing the task. As I monitored my classroom I said, “It’s not going to be a polished piece. What’s important is that you get your thoughts down on paper; that you jot down a few possible New Year’s resolutions for 2011.”

“I’m locked-up in this bitch, so what’s it matter?” Prisoner Clayton said.

“Even in here,” I answered, “you’ve got to look forward to another day.”

Prisoner Clayton asked if he could sketch a celebratory scene of how he’d ring in the New Year. I figured it was better than arguing; at least he’d be doing something. What you see above is a direct result of his efforts.

Although some of the resolutions were better than others, I thought I’d share a low-functioning prisoner’s “over-simplification” of how to improve your lot in life. He starts out wanting to purchase a $300,000 home. Then he offers his unrealistic solution on how to acquire it, followed by ways of saving money. Please click on the document below and enjoy his rough draft; I’m sure you would agree, especially after reading his piece, that dreaming is easy and cheap.

Most of my convict-students have high hopes of changing their attitudes and reconnecting with family; boring stuff actually, considering their limited choices in the hoosegow. Still, it’s interesting examining resolutions made by others. I’m not sure why I thought this assignment was such a good idea; in fact, I think subconsciously I wanted to take my mind off of my own failed goals for 2010.

The Japanese have what they call “bo-nen-kai” parties, otherwise known as “forget-the-year-gatherings.” I’m struggling with the appropriateness of it, considering their cultures high suicide rate and how killing off the year with temporary amnesia solves absolutely nothing; but, I’ll have a drink or two from the comforts of my home and quietly reflect on where I’d went wrong with last year’s dreams and desires. At the stroke of midnight, when the people in Times Square drunkenly sing:

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind ?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and old lang syne ?

I’ll turn off the television and the lights, lie down, and wake up to a new sunset.

Happy New Year everyone!


the walking man said...

Shit happy fucking new year to you too dude. Have one extra drink for me and I'll pop off two extra rounds at midnight; one for you and one for Clayton. Unless of course I follow tradition and sleep through all that shit.

Jim you accomplished a ton of shit this nigh passed year. So get thee to your trailer park and drink.

JR's Thumbprints said...

Hey Mark, I didn't get as far as I'd've liked on my manuscript ... an odd assortment of random bullshit ... yet I plod along. I did upgrade my boat though ... and I'm looking forward to all those furlough days the One-Tough Nerd will be handing out, should be able to get alot of fishing in. Have a great year, and remember: What goes up, must come down. Cheers.

Charles Gramlich said...

I love the idea of "forget the year" parties. Man why wasn't I told about that in the past.

ivan@creativewriting.ca said...

If I watch the ball drop on TV, I've got no life.
Oh, what the hell.

I ain't got no life today.

I got the flu.

Em blu.

Good health to all and happy new year!

JR's Thumbprints said...

C'mon now Ivan, you're secretly hoping Snookie pops out of that ball. Hope you feel better. Have a shot of whiskey to kill the germs. Have a Happy Nappy New Year.

Lana Gramlich said...

I don't really "do" New Year's, personally. It's an arbitrary date that's best off left as just another Tuesday (or what have you.)

Erik Donald France said...

Happy New Year, JR! Here's to a rockin' '11, neither in Hell nor Heaven. . .

Anonymous said...

It looks like you may need to break out some of those 1-2 grade english worksheets I used to use in five block. We all gotta start somewhere right? Good luck with the window lickers. W.W.

Rick said...

You really know how to break out the good cheer on New Year's Eve, don't you JR!

Happy New Year, friend and looking forward to seeing you again soon.

Anonymous said...

WW Dey window lickers with tudes. Specials, real specials. Huck