

I needn’t defend or explain myself regardless of being “horriblized” (is there such a word?)  and “alienated,” my track record speaks for itself. Yet a coworker asked if I’d post the following comment as an addendum to another comment made a few posts back regarding my blog profile pic:

The courtroom sketch of JR was drawn by one of the many convicted felons taught by him and held in awe. I use the word “awe” because the prisoners, when first meeting JR, have a hard time believing such a diminutive, soft spoken man could be that audacious to think he'd teach them anything. He is not intimidated. He speaks his mind daily and is respected. It is sad to think someone feels the need to invalidate him through the sketch. The picture is not “dead on.” The lies perpetrated to protect the invalidator are what’s “dead on.” The picture represents what one of his students believed to be his strength: A dogged pursuit of a prisoner's academic achievements. To discredit him is a pitiful shame. He should be thanked instead of invalidated.

My first reaction was to ignore my coworker’s request, but after careful consideration I decided to post the comment not as a pat-on-the-back or as a retaliatory measure. Instead, I thought defending me showed how corrections workers view each other as extended family.  We recognize and cope with everyday stressors from inside the clanging metal doors. Also, in order to avoid an ongoing conflict I will change the courtroom sketch to something real, something that reflects what I've been going through.

By the grace of God, I have no intentions of disappearing any time soon.

Sadly, all of this seems so trivial, especially since a coworker lost his life this week at the hands of cowardly punks.

May Correctional Officer Clarence Tariq Hammond rest in peace. My thoughts go out to his family.


ivan@creativewriting.ca said...

In the trenches.

Anonymous said...

Our Hearts go out to the family. Your right JR everything else seems trivial. Hucks Gang

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the gang. Great writing JR. My condolences to his family. Huck

Anonymous said...

Once again you write a timely story. It's dead on in more ways than one. My thoughts and prayers for the family. Time to get our cwp

JR's Thumbprints said...

I've switched out the courtroom sketch done by an inmate to "JR Smiling," -- post trenches.