

It’s been a mild Covid winter—a great time to reminisce with a good journalistic nonfiction book titled “Cabin Fever, The Harrowing Journey of a Cruise Ship at the Dawn of the Pandemic” by Michael Smith and Jonathan Franklin. The book reminds me of how this virus disrupted the prison where I had worked. Cots had arrived in the warehouse and news spread about housing inmates in the school classrooms to recover. A handful of coworkers, including myself, worried about a lockdown and being trapped inside the prison. Everything changed that day. But a pandemic on a cruise ship is much worse, especially for the staff. 

In the book: Amanda Bogen, a 27-year-old entertainment host on the Zaandam cruise ship, stated, "It’s crazy. Every ship has a morgue…. Ours is the same room where they keep the fresh flowers." 

Eight countries denied the Zaandam entry into their ports. Eight. 

 I recommend reading “Cabin Fever.”

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