

The consummation of work lies not only in what we have done, but who we’ve become while accomplishing the task.
                        —David Whyte, “Courage and Conversations,” p.5

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it.

Everything has changed; there’s a “new normal.” With all the prison closures my former colleagues have vanished, replaced by teachers with more seniority (but I am still here—the sole survivor).

My new peers, like me, are called “Old Heads.” We’re the dinosaurs of the prison school program. We’re the employees who’ve seen too much of the wrong thing, including the latest employee consolidation. We continue to navigate the shark tank; our heads held above the water, searching the horizon for that Promised Land called “retirement” (a peculiar mirage at best).

I walk across the prison mall area with my new coworker, a veteran special education teacher. He has 24 years of correctional education experience. He reminds me of Truman Capote; I think it’s the scarf, or maybe the Croc shoes. He sympathizes with me. “Yeah,” he says flicking his scarf across his shoulder, “I know about those types of circumstances. I’ve got this one turd that simply won’t flush. No matter how many times I jiggle the handle he spins around the bowl and floats. Whenever I get in his line of vision he looks aside.”

“The dog and pony show,” I say, “his way of surviving.”

“In the animal kingdom,” he continues, “if you look away from another animal you become its bitch.”

We both laugh before parting ways, treading water the only way we know how.


Charles Gramlich said...

Not looking away would be a problem for me. I'm easily distracted.

Anonymous said...

Not much for me to comment on these days, but I still enjoy the read. Merry Christmas, and a 2013 that is better than 2012. W.W.

Anonymous said...

I think TC is on to something there. I know someone just like that and she stinks the place up real bad on the emotional level and then you just can't get rid of the smell if you know what I mean JR. Huck :) Enjoyed the story bitch.

David Cranmer said...

I had a hard day at work and can relate to "We continue to navigate the shark tank; our heads held above the water." Onward...

Anonymous said...

JR don't look away...no matter what itches you...don't look away!!!! Bitches...Huck's Gang

Anonymous said...

This was a great story to read, If I wasn't seeing it myself I'd swear you were making it up. MW

the walking man said...

Yeah good luck on that retirement...now they are trying to find away to take the constitutional protection from our pensions because they won't meet their obligations. Funniest damn thing I found out about it was that public sector pensions are not like private in that they are NOT guaranteed by the Public Guarantee Pension Trust. So if they wipe us out in the city they can wipe you out in the state and you know they do love to flush us turds.

ivan@creativewriting.ca said...

Well, it's hard for me not to look away...especially if I had taken a sudden dislike to the other person.

BTW: You're going to have to look away...I have stolen another one of your photos to illustrate somthing in my blog about a gothic novel I've been working on for years. You shure did a look a lot like me when seven years ago. I am convinced you are not my love chile. :)