

Never mind the demolition...

...let's remember another Mr. Dandy--School Principal Brian Freedman. He was one of the Educational Manager's rising stars. He always had plenty of advice for us teachers at our academic conferences. 

After a special education meeting near CMU, one of our younger colleagues was approached by Freedman at Bennigan's. Their abrupt conversation went something like this (one name has been changed to respect privacy):

"Hi, I'm Brian Freedman, School Principal."

"Hi, I'm Marvin Shemansky, Human Being."

Here's more news regarding this school principal: 

Prison Legal News

Enjoy my Saturday Flashback.


MW said...

Titles. I never quite understood it. People introducing themselves by titles is a red flag. I never paid attention to it working in the medical field and still had a 20 year career there. I saw Doctors fight over 10 inches of square feet because his office was supposed to be bigger and it was obviously deficient. I saw a lawyer have a platform built so his desk could be raised and he could look down at his clients...I remember being told about that guy.

jrthumbprints said...

MW, I agree. After I read the Prison Legal News, my immediate reaction was that the school principal did not help resolve the issue; instead, he made it worse. Perhaps hiding behind a title is a way of dealing with insecurities, maybe he should've gone with the general title of "human being." Communication improves if you are yourself--problem solving might be easier too.