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JR is caught in the middle but out of arms length of the bulls-eye cup. |
The Food Service Line-Worker shorted Prisoner G’s food
tray one time too many and it was a matter of seconds before Prisoner G would
follow through with his threat—or so I had heard the very next day from one of
my students, a kitchen worker himself who had said how Prisoner G graciously
took his tray of shorted portions and slid it on down the line while
giving the green light to the mentally ill inmate who un-tucked a mug of piss
and shit from his coat and slung it not only in the Food Service Line-Worker’s
face but all over the bins of scrambled eggs and toast which in turn resulted
in him getting his ass kicked real good until the corrections officers decided
now is the time to step in before someone gets killed.
“So,” I said to my student, “you knew it was coming?”
“What would you do” he said, ignoring my question, “if
someone threw human excrement and urine in your face?”
“Were you working the line?” I asked.
“Yeah, but I knew to get out of the way.”
“You should’ve been like a Secret Service Agent.”
He wasn’t following me, or if he was he was in disagreement.
“You should’ve acted as a shield; you should’ve protected
your coworker and the food from the assault … the contaminant.”
“You’re crazy, Old Man. ”
“Because that’s what I would’ve done. You could’ve been a
I would have considered intervention to be outside of my perimeter so what I would have done had I been able would be back in the kitchen cracking more eggs for scrambling and toasting more bread for toasting.
Jim that place is really fucked up and whichever governor started and implemented this mixing the mentally ill with the just plain criminal should be working that mess line.
I would have gotten out of the way myself.
This reminds me of a story that I just read in Poland about the female dentist whose boyfriend broke up with her called it quits and announced to her that he had another better lover, but the stupid smuck still kept his appointment with her. Well she did what she had to do and that was strap his ass in the chair give him the gas and extract all his teeth. Sometimes you eat the bear and other times the bear eats you.
Enjoyed the read. Stash :)
The picture makes the story. Gives a whole new meaning to hot fudge.
The picture makes the story. Gives a whole new meaning to hot fudge.
Yuck. That place sounds like hell on earth.
Chin up, buddy...
Enjoyed the read and picture. Sure hav not been teaching that. MW
J.R.-Please call me. As one of your honorary therapists, (a title I love) it is my duty to talk you off this gross ledge. Coffee and therapy soon?
A metaphor?
At one time a defrocked professor, I was really taken with "“What would you do” he said, ignoring my question, “if someone threw human excrement and urine in your face?”
That f*cking dean!
Ha ha.
I agree with the walking man...the governor who implemented that mess should be the one running the line. That place is really getting screwed up. On a happier line of thinking; cute picture Jim : ) JS
Two rules...don't mess with a guys car, and don't mess with a guys food.
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