
Unsustainable Me & The Smooth Operator

In light of what’s going on in other Midwestern states, I’m glad I received a reassuring email from Michigan’s Governor Rick Snyder regarding his, or as he claims “our” 10-point plan that was “endorsed” by the voters (or so he says). I’m not quite sure Michigan’s senior citizens would have voted for him if he had revealed his, I mean “our” plan to tax pensions—maybe that was an 11th item and he ran out of space on his website dashboard. Anyway, Snyder said the following in his email:

Tough decisions do not have to be polarizing. Michigan is not Wisconsin. We have a heritage of working together, in good faith …

Good faith? I’m not too sure about that. Sounds kind of like Pollyanna playing the glad game. Contracts have been broken in the past, why would I, or any other unionized worker, trust another politician? Why would anybody?

In his email he justifies his comments about public employees making too much:

I presented data on total compensation (salary, wages, pension benefits and health insurance benefits) because my point was not to make an apples-to-apples jobs comparison but instead take a look at how total public compensation compares to the total compensation of the working public that supports government.

The college kid who takes my order at Subway, he’s part of that “working public.” I’m sure he disapproves of my salary because he's making less and besides he's more concerned with trying to improve his future job prospects. Also, I’m willing to bet he doesn’t “support government” the way Snyder might think he does. Not that the Subway kid is on my side either; he would probably enjoy telling me, “Mr. Convict Teacher, do you know how much college tuition has increased? Do you?” No sympathy there. I guess I should be perfectly content to get my Italian Sub minus the spittle.

Near the end of Snyder’s email he says:

The state cannot afford to pay such a high percentage of health care premiums, nor absorb all of the escalating costs from outmoded defined benefit pension plans.

Now I’m concerned. I have a defined benefit pension. What is the governor saying? They’re going to make me a deal I can’t refuse? (Which word or words do I place the emphasis on in that last question?) As for kicking thee old proverbial can down the road, once pensions go the way of the dinosaur, the politicians will need to find something else to tax.


Erik Donald France said...

These are maddening times in the states -- have you seen the Reagan documentary? Drinks help. These pensions were paid into for years, one would expect good faith . . . I hope there's a lot of blowback on the bloviators. . . Q: Why can't Democrats ever get this organized to push things through? I know Dems tend to think in a more complex way than Tea Baggers and "regular" GOPers, but Jesus H Christ-on-a-Crutch this is getting ridic~

the walking man said...

We paid into our pension plans and we want our pension plans just as they were promised us when we paid into them. same with SS and medicare. If they can change the rules of the game in the middle of the game then I guess it's time I stop paying property taxes and all of the fees they don't call taxes. sell my 5000 dollar house and live in Wal-Mart parking lots.

Fuck the Republican liars and assholes who serve in slavery for corporate masters even wealthier than they are. Just flat as fuck 'em. Funny thing is I wouldn't qualify for medicaid or food stamps even if they took al of my pension and SS away because they have no more money for that shit either.

Charles Gramlich said...

It's not tax and spend, it's tax and bleed.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the Tea Baggers. Where were they when both Bushes ran up the deficit on wars. Where were they when the bank executives were paid TARP funds with no accountability. Unfortunately so many of those pension funds were swallowed in the derivative game on wall street and only Bernie Maddoff gets prosecuted??? As far as the Nerd. I agree with TWM. Michigoofians didn't see it coming? Or, "its OK if they take it from you but they better not take it from me the bastards." MW

ivan@creativewriting.ca: said...

Oh, that top three per cent that takes it all.
...And the rest of us labor mightily to less and less avail.